All members of the Workers’ History Museum are invited to the 2014 AGM, to be held on March 10th at 7pm (Institutional Members Caucus at 6pm). The PSAC is allowing us the use of their boardroom at 233 Gilmour Street.
According to the WHM’s by-laws:
• The Annual General Membership Meeting (AGM) will be the supreme governing body of the WHM.
• All individual members in good standing will have the right to voice and vote at the AGM.
• All institutional members in good standing will have the right to send up to two delegates with voice and vote to the AGM.
At the AGM, elections will be held for the positions of: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, 6 Board members at Large, 4 Institutional Board members and 3 Trustees.
Only members in good standing are eligible to run for these positions. Nominations will be held during the AGM.
Elections for Institutional members will be held, according to the provisions of the by-laws, during the Institutional members’ caucus.
Members who wish to run for one of these positions, but are unable to attend the AGM in person, may signify their intention in writing.
At the AGM any member in good standing may present a general resolution for consideration by the membership. No advance notice is required for general resolutions, but advance notice in writing is required for amendments to the by-laws..
By-law amendments
Any WHM member who wishes to propose an amendment to the Workers’ History Museum by-laws must submit the proposal in writing, with the name of the mover and seconder, to the WHM Secretary by February 22, 2014 at the latest. This may be done by mail, or by email to info@localhost:8080. No change to the by-laws will be accepted at the AGM if advance notice has not been given in writing.
If you’re not yet a member of the Workers’ History Museum, but would like to have a voice at the AGM, now is the time to join! We rely on our members not just to fund our activities but also to shape the direction of the WHM. Membership forms are available at .
We hope to see you there!