A Day in the Life of a WHM Volunteer at the E. B. Eddy Mill, Part 4
After many hours of photography, videography and documentation, the end of the day for the WHM volunteers at the former [...]
After many hours of photography, videography and documentation, the end of the day for the WHM volunteers at the former [...]
Earlier I described how a team of volunteers marshalled by WHM is creating a complete visual historical snapshot of the [...]
For over 150 years, the E. B. Eddy paper mill was the site of ever-expanding industrial activity. It grew to [...]
Is it possible to attribute personality to a machine? The typewriter is a complicated device – even the word “typewriter” [...]
The Workers’ History Museum is excited about our upcoming E.B. Eddy exhibit, to be housed in our office at 251 [...]
This picture shows a product from the Dominion chain of supermarkets. "Mainly Because of the Meat" went their slogan at [...]
On Saturday, November 30, the Workers’ History Museum welcomed Masters’ students associated with the Carleton Centre for Public History (CCPH) [...]
Paul Harrison is the WHM's photographer and image collection manager. He is equipped and available to take high-quality photographs, scan [...]
The Workers’ History Museum is dedicated to finding new potential research interests to connect the Ottawa community in their shared [...]
Buttons. Posters. News clippings and photographs. These items will help make the Workers' History Museum's online Family Leave exhibit every [...]